In this immersive and interactive event, you will learn to productively and optimally deploy based on the innate and intrinsic understanding of who you are.


In this immersive and interactive event, you will learn to productively and optimally deploy based on the innate and intrinsic understanding of who you are.

About The Blueprint of How

The Blueprint of How Seminar is a 13-hour intimate, intensive and immersive learning experience in which an average of 35 women – students, professionals and entrepreneurs – are hosted and taught principles, strategies and techniques of discovering purpose, consciousness engineering, developing vision and goal setting, time management, relationship management, business modeling and management, career advancement, wealth creation and performance evaluation and monitoring etc. 

With experiential learning being one of the tenets upon which the program was designed, we offer a rewarding experience that extends to ambience, food, camaraderie and pockets of fun, rib-cracking activities.

So far, the seminar has been convened over 12 times across Nigeria, The United States of America and The United Kingdom and is currently targeted at a minimum of eight (8) African countries. 


The Blueprint of How

  • To deconstruct in women, neural pathways responsible for limiting beliefs, negative behavioral patterns and poor decision making that birth negative outcomes in self leadership, relationships, business and career.
  • To provide women with a intimate and safe platform to unveil themselves and seek constructive help in addressing long standing issues in their personal lives, families, finances and career.
  • To raise consciousness and awareness of skills, strategies and principles required to drive new habits, productivity, business acceleration and career progression in women.
  • To empower women with financial knowledge and skills, techniques in performance evaluation and monitoring as well as strategies in wealth creation instrumental in harnessing and multiplying resources at their disposal to drive growth.
  • To instill in Women values of smart work, ethics, integrity, speed and social impact consciousness and to empower them with strategies that will enable them sustain and disperse these values.
  • To leverage the team’s expertise in psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and personal coaching to isolate, interpret and address personal challenges that may have stifled participants’ welfare and development.
  • To educate women on the impact of the evolving business landscape, social constructs and economic policies on their societal roles, personal growth and development. More so, they are taught how to leverage resources at their disposal to take advantage of these complex systems.
  • To utilize the program structure to illustrate certain key values such as resilience, empathy etc to inspire a deep-seated and drive positive change.
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